Tips To Help You Raise Building Self Confidence In Children

Confidence and self assurance are quintessential traits in children. Don’t you agree? Unfortunately, a few too many kids struggle to cope with the challenges of under-confidence and lack of independence. Little do you know that confidence and a strong sense of self-esteem strengthen personality in young children. It equips kids with an assurance to explore and try new things. What’s more, confidence enables children to like themselves better and have a firm belief in themselves. Frankly, the importance of ingraining confidence and strong credence in children cannot be underrated. Are you wondering if there are activities that truly help in building self confidence in children? Sure there is! 

How to enhance confidence in children? 

It is easy to notice when kids feel good and not-so-great about themselves, isn’t it? When a child is a little too critical and hard on themselves, it is obvious that the little one is under-confident and doubtful of themselves. If you are not already aware, increasing confidence and self-esteem in children is not a quick affair. It grows over time. Hence, nurturing and building self confidence in children must start from early childhood. 

Not sure how to boost confidence in little ones? Let’s read a few proven tips: 

1. Model a confident nature yourself 

Haven’t you heard of the phrase “practise before you preach?” Set the perfect example of a confident and optimistic personality to guide your child better. It is no surprise that life is not a bed of roses round-the-clock. Must you hide away your insecurities and anxiety from your child? Absolutely not! Kids are like a sponge mimicking anything and everything they see or observe. Model a strong, positive, and confident personality to ingrain morale, assurance, and conviction in little ones. 

2. Over-praising children is a big NO

Are you happily praising your child for their teeny-tiny accomplishments? Of course, a good habit, but too much praise does more harm than good. Let’s explain how. It is a no-brainer that self-esteem crops from the feeling of being loved and guarded. Over-praising your toddler for every little thing implies lowering the bar for the young one. Children are coerced to feel at ease with their achievements and not push or try to put in harder efforts. Besides, it also encourages children to feel over-confident and unrealistically high of themselves. These are undeniably a bummer and hinder a child’s psychological growth. 

3. Encourage children to make their own choices

As a doting parent, do you naturally feel drawn to make all important and unimportant choices for your toddler? Sadly, this steals the kid's ability to understand what’s good and what’s not. Instead, motivate children to make age-appropriate choices and undertake responsibility for their decisions. 

4. Harsh criticisms are equally detrimental 

Now that you are familiar with the odds of over-praising a child, are you okay with criticising the little one for every mistake or miss? It is undeniably a wrong approach. Little do you realise that whatever children hear about themselves naturally translates into the way they feel about themselves. So, hurling criticism on a child for the most trivial mistakes dwindles their confidence and harms self-confidence in spirited young kids. 

In short, encourage kids to fail and slip up on their goals. Failures preach a lesson too. It spurs the little ones to put in greater efforts for a desirable outcome. What’s more, the sense of achievement after coping with hurdles fills young minds with conviction, optimism, and confidence. 

5. Show the ropes of perseverance 

Teaching kids the perks of not giving up works wonders. Very few truly understand that accomplishments and success don’t really epitomise confidence. What does, though, is the resilience to keep giving things a try and not feel coerced to give up. 

In a nutshell, building self-confidence in children via simple and strategic tips and tricks is easy. Not sure if homeschooling is good enough to ingrain confidence and resilience in the little one? Don’t worry! Multiple intelligence activities centre in Delhi, like Bindu Batra’s Sparkle Minds, grooms children with essential confidence and credence. The institution teaches kids to set goals, explore their passion, interact, expand a real-life understanding of their surroundings, and more. 

Bindu Batra’s Sparkle Minds is well-known for introducing valuable brainstorming activities for kindergarten. The pragmatic and student-oriented curriculum in the institution aims to upskill kids with better confidence, creativity, and intelligence. Enrol today and scale confidence in young scholars.  

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